Support Groups

Emmanuel Baptist Church The Marriage Course
The Marriage Course

The Marriage Course is 7 consecutive Friday evening course that has been held around the world for decades. It is based on excellent psychological and Biblical principles to strengthen relationships whether you are happily married or working to get there! Like a restaurant, couples dine separately at their own “Cafe Table for Two” in a relaxed, intimate environment while they view then privately discuss excellent videos. No “group work”. This course always fills up, so call soon! It is offered once per year, starting on the Final Friday in January. Cost per couple is only $50 for all 7 dinners/desserts and $10 for materials.

The PreMarriage Course is the same as The Marriage Course, but only 5 consecutive evenings and tailored for those considering marriage. Cost is only $35 for all dinner/desserts and $10 for materials.

Both Courses have been developed by Alpha ( and have been offered for worldwide for decades! Fee waivers and onsite childcare possible so don’t let these keep you from this excellent course! For info: contact Emmanuel Baptist Church at (304) 485-5171, Dr. Eileen Mayer at (304) 485-8555, or

Divorce Care 

DivorceCare meets on Tuesday evenings from 6-7:30 p.m. in the church parlor. The next session of  begins January 24, 2023 and runs until April 18, 2023. Divorce Care is for people who are looking for support as they work through the issues related to separation and/or divorce. Led by Melanie Whited, the sessions include videos, group discussions, and personal workbook materials. This is a warm and caring environment, and everyone is welcome. For more information please contact Melanie at (304) 834-8637.

Divorce Care Support Group
Griefshare Help and encouragement after the death of a loved one
Grief Share 

The Grief Share support group meets weekly during the day at 10 a.m. and/or in the evening at 6 p.m. Call the church office, (304) 485-5171, to confirm meeting times for the current group. The next session begins February 15, 2023 and runs until May 10, 2023.

Grief is defined as conflicting feelings caused by the end of, or change to, a familiar pattern of behavior. Generally, grief is connected to loss, but there are many life events that can lead to grief: death of a loved one, loss of a job, change of residence, retirement, just to name a few.

Grief Share is a 13-week Bible based support group sponsored by Emmanuel Baptist Church, and designed for those who are experiencing grief. During our time together we will discuss topics like “what is normal”, “what’s next”, challenges to grief, anger, guilt and being “stuck”. Gail Samolitis leads this group, and if you are interested in talking with her, and/or attending a class, please call (304) 485-5171 or (304) 588-7632, or email Gail Samolitis at:

Care Givers

The Care Givers support group meets the second Monday of the month at 2 p.m. in the church parlor. Call the church office, (304) 485-5171, to confirm meeting times for the current group.

MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers)

Motherhood is messy and challenging and crazy and sleepless and giving and unbelievably beautiful. Motherhood doesn’t have to be lonely. Join MOPS & MOMSNEXT and gain an amazing community of other local moms.

MOPS stands for Mothers of Pre-schoolers. MOPSnext is for mothers with elementary school kids. So if you are a woman who is expecting, has a newborn, a preschooler, kindergartener or mother at any age. MOPS IS FOR YOU!

At each meeting, we will have discussion topics related to being a mother, getting in touch with our creative side, laughing, and having a good time! Come for a cup of hot coffee and breakfast that you don’t need to share a bite with anyone. At MOPS we want to be your support system in times of crisis and celebrate with you in times of joy.

We meet the first and third Tuesdays September – May 9am until 11:30am in EBC’s Fellowship Hall. Childcare is provided (for registered participants) free of cost by our amazing, fun, loving, and safe volunteers!

Please check out the MOPS of EBC’s Facebook group for more information or contact Brittany Daugherty at (330) 268-1261.

Men’s Support Group

Pastor Kurt is developing a regular ministry to the men of our church. We have breakfast and lunch meetings, and seasonal Bible studies.  See our bulletin for current men’s ministry events.

Mens Group Christian Fellowship Group for men

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